Hi all.
oVirt 4.2
using this method
for backup and restore snapshots
trying to upload disk snapshot
thereis VM named vm-test, with disk id =
078398f5-0679-4eec-97e2-d227c097f453, storage = data00 and cluster =
i do snapshot of this VM.
and subsequently launched these scripts
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Set VM name
vm_name = 'vm-test'
the ovf file is saved as 1d45f654-2ade-46c9-a747-2cd01ce14df2.ovf
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Set relevant disk and stroage domain IDs
disk_id = '078398f5-0679-4eec-97e2-d227c097f453'
sd_name = 'data00'
the snapshot is saved as a8278905-57c9-4321-ab08-633436c5a63c
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Set storage domain name
sd_name = 'data00'
# Set OVF file path
ovf_file_path = '1d45f654-2ade-46c9-a747-2cd01ce14df2.ovf'
# Disk to upload
disk_path = 'a8278905-57c9-4321-ab08-633436c5a63c'
when trying run script upload_disk_snapshots.py, i got error with these message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "snapshot_upload.py", line 279, in <module>
images_chain = get_images_chain(disk_path)
File "snapshot_upload.py", line 244, in get_images_chain
base_volume = [v for v in volumes_info.values() if
'full-backing-filename' not in v ][0]
IndexError: list index out of range
Anyone can help with this?