On Sun, Oct 14, 2018 at 4:34 AM Chris Burckhard <chris.burckhard(a)nhkusa.com>
We have an iscsi storage domain that has corrupt data. The os
How OS is related to the storage domain?
boots to the login screen, but does not accept the password, so
cannot connect to it.
Connect to the storage domain because the storage server fail on boot?
We are able to boot to a centos live usb and mount the root
partitions to
see that data, but that doesn't really help since it has iscsi targets. We
are seeing errors such as this:
ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.GetVGInfoVDSCommand]
(org.ovirt.thread.pool-6-thread-21) [3fb88fb0] Command
'GetVGInfoVDSCommand(HostName = 0103ITVH084,
VGID='sxpvjb-cdco-NyZ9-ReKL-WQdw-WGxG-qNjVCp'})' execution failed:
VDSGenericException: VDSErrorException: Failed to GetVGInfoVDS, error =
Volume Group does not exist: (u'vg_uuid:
sxpvjb-cdco-NyZ9-ReKL-WQdw-WGxG-qNjVCp',), code = 506
If the storage server in trouble, the LUNs are not available and the
storage domain
using these LUN will be missing.
Which seems to me that since it is on the live cd, the uuid changed. Is
there any way to get the storage domain back online using something like a
Centos Live USB?
Thank you,
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