i wanted to do something "easy", so i decided to test ovirt-live.
but there wasn't any for 3.3, so i'll just build it and test
this is where i got today:
1. finding: no ovirt-live in repos for test day
ok, i'll build it myself.
2. finding: the ovirt-live page[1] has no data on how to build it (link
to ovirt-live git repo, readme in git repo, etc.)
su -c "yum install git"[2]
git clone
cd ovirt-live/centos
3. finding: build.sh is modifying a git managed file[3] - this shouldn't
4. finding: i didn't notice build.sh warned me that:
4.1 "You need to be root to perform this command."
since it continued downloading tinycore rather than exit with error
4.2 yum install -y livecd-tools
probably should be in readme to pre-install it, and ./build.sh should
check and exit with error, but not do the installation itself
5. yum install -y livecd-tools
finding: no livecd-toold in rhel - referencing an rpm or instructions to
build from source are needed
cd ~
git clone
cd livecd
su -c "make install"
cd ~/ovirt-live/centos
6. finding: re-running ./build.sh download tinycore and yad each time
instead of checking is-modified-since
7. finding: missing check on selinux is disabled (required by
livecd-creator according to [4])
(again looked in log, no info on screen):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/livecd-creator", line 26, in <module>
import selinux
ImportError: No module named selinux
disabled selinux.
su -c "setenforce 0"
(didn't resolve the selinux import error...)
8. finding: no validation libselinux-python is installed
su -c "yum install -y libselinux-python"
9. finding: missing pykickstart
from log: ImportError: No module named pykickstart.parser
su -c "yum localinstall -y
(mirror link is from [6])
10. finding: missing rhpl
from log: ImportError: No module named rhpl.keyboard
su -c "yum localinstall -y
(mirror link is from[5])
11. finding: (again) need to run as root
"You must run /usr/bin/livecd-creator as root"
12. finding: noise output when re-running ./build.sh
mkdir: cannot create directory `oVirtLiveFiles/rpms/': File exists
mkdir: cannot create directory `oVirtLiveFiles/iso/': File exists
mv: cannot stat `*.rpm': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat `*.iso': No such file or directory
13. finding: awk warnings when running ./build.sh
awk: warning: escape sequence `\-' treated as plain `-'
awk: warning: escape sequence `\/' treated as plain `/'
14. finding: ovirt not spelled oVirt
Using title 'Ovirt Live' and product 'Ovirt Live'
15. finding: YumRepo Error: All mirror URLs are not using ftp, http[s]
or file.
Eg. 6Server is not a valid release or hasnt been released yet/
removing mirrorlist with no valid mirrors:
yum.Errors.RepoError: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml)
for repository: base. Please verify its path and try again
16. repo issues
(not all are bugs)
16.1. (not a bug) - I'm runnning on rhel, not centos, so base repo is
different for me than centos
16.2 (not a bug) - had to comment out yum-plugin-fastestmirror, not in
rhel (should be optional...)
16.3 finding: should be configurable - ovirt repo version - git is
static to 3.2, i needed beta. should be a parameter
16.4 finding: missing jboss-as package?
added to kickstart link to stable repo
16.5 finding: livecd-tools-13.4.4-2.el6.x86_64 requires /sbin/extlinux
doesn't help installing it, needs to be in the kickstart list of repos
i did some more fiddling with repos here, trying to run this on RHEL
rather than centos.
17. finding: Error creating Live CD : Unable to run
['/usr/bin/firewall-offline-cmd', '--enabled', '--service=mdns']!
hmmm - there is no firewall on .el6?
so far for today...
[2] i always start from the cleanest system when trying to test something.
[3] kickstart/ovirt-live-base.ks
"SELinux should be in permissive mode for livecd-creator to work. Run
the following as root user first before attempting to create a live CD
or DVD"