On 10/31/2013 12:48 PM, Joop wrote:
Hallo Peter,
> Hello Itamar,
> Thank you for responding. The only machine i have is my Windows 7 pc
> (Intel i7, 16Gb ram). I'm running the manager in Virtualbox and want
> to run the hypervisor in Virtualbox or VMware Workstation, just for
> study purposes. I'm using RHEL6 for the manager and wanted to use it
> for the Hypervisor as well. So, unfortunatly i don't have an extra
> physical machine available.
I have same machine specs @home and have installed Fedora 19 on a
separate partition to play with oVirt. Depending on where you place your
VMs you don't need much room for that. Isos you can leave on your
Windows drive(s) and if you have a NAS you can put the VM storage (NFS)
on it. If not then you can use thin provisioning to keep the size down
but anything from 50-100G will get you a decent working oVirt
installation on either Fedora 19 or Centos-6.4
Running a complete ovirt env in virtualbox is not possible since you
can't have nested virt on Virtualbox. The engine will run but you will
have nothing to play around with!
A nested virt env using a core i7 work quite well so it might be worth
the trouble and time spent on installing fedora/centos on a new
partition and start using dual boot. With an all-in-one setup you can do
nested virt. Beware Centos needs a newer kernel than the 2.6.32.abc.
Look at the elrepo repository for newer, upto 3.11.x.
well, one more idea - to play with it, you can use the ovirt-live usb
edition. no need for any nested virt, etc. just boot from usb, its all
from RAM, etc.
quoting doron from another email...
"Simply booting a laptop from usb is the best and fastest way.
You have here the latest iso to be used when burning the usb:
You should run something similar the the below command as root:
dd bs=4M if={path/to/}ovirt-live-el6.iso of=/dev/sdb
=> make sure to fix the path to the iso and bverrify your usb device
is sdb, to avoid deleting your harddrive."
more details here: