I recently tried out the vm console feature on an ovirt eval environment running
1.) pasted the pub-key of my local user into the web interface (User->Options)
2.) connected via ssh like so
ssh -p 2222 sevm -l ovirt-vmconsole
3.) got the list of all the vm's :)
4.) choose a vm with a virtio serial console enabled
5.) Certificate invalid :(
Please, enter the id of the Serial Console you want to connect to.
To disconnect from a Serial Console, enter the sequence: <Enter><~><.>
Certificate invalid: name is not a listed principal
Host key verification failed.
Connection to sevm closed.
I guess somethings wrong in "/etc/pki/ovirt-vmconsole". Is there any additional
information I can get out from the logs or the console proxy (e.g. the "name"
which is not a listed principal)?
To be honest I never really worked with SSH certificates, so I fear I will do something
stupid if I try to fix this head on.
So any advice or help on this issue is appreciated.
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