Running ovirt for many years, but this baffles me.
An export was taking too long, seems to hang.
Due to the heat a switch failedt, so export storage is umounted, at this time.
Now my VM has a little lock, and can't be restarted. (shutdown worked)
Checked all DB entries and vdsm.
update vm_static set template_status = 0 where template_status = 1;
select * from vm_static where template_status = 1;
update vm_dynamic set status = 0 where status = 15;
select * from vm_dynamic where status = 15;
update images set imagestatus = 1 where imagestatus = 2;
select * from images where imagestatus = 2;
update snapshots set status = 'OK' where status like 'LOCKED';
select * from snapshots where status like 'LOCKED';
UPDATE images SET imagestatus = 1 WHERE imagestatus = 4;
select * from images where imagestatus = 4;
restarted the hosted-engine
I dont know what to check next.
Any hints?
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