On Friday, August 5, 2016 2:18:47 PM EDT Maxence Sartiaux wrote:
On a ovirt 4.0 cluster (updated from 3.6) i try to edit logical
networks of my hosts but when i click on the little pen to edit my
logical network, the ui throw me an error
"Uncaught exception occurred.
Please try reloading the page.
Details: Exception caught: (TypeError)_gwt$exception: <skipped>: this.d
is nullPlease have your administrator check the UI logs"
If you can consistently reproduce this problem can you do the following?
Installl the debug symbol maps doing this:
yum install ovirt-engine-webadmin-portal-debuginfo ovirt-engine-userportal-
Then reproduce the error and post the stack trace from the UI.log again. The
one you are posting now is the obfuscated one which we can manually
deobfuscate but its much easier when the symbols are installed.
And in my ui.log
2016-08-05 13:53:51,982 ERROR
(default task-33) [] Permutation name: 8575592A3B731F1B46F43B12B003D7DF
2016-08-05 13:53:51,982 ERROR
(default task-33) [] Uncaught exception: :
com.google.gwt.event.shared.UmbrellaException: Exception caught:
__gwt$exception: <skipped>: this.d is null
at Unknown.Ev(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.Mv(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.y7(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.B7(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.L6(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.qq(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.Aq(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.z2(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.sq(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.L8e(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.oZe(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.q_e(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.Sx(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.Wx(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.Vx/<(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.uC(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.p8e(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.zlf(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.Dlf(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.L8e(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.oZe(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.nZe(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.o_e(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.Sx(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.Wx(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.Vx/<(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.anonymous(Unknown Source)
Caused by: com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException: (TypeError)
__gwt$exception: <skipped>: this.d is null
at Unknown.uXp(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.CYp(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.nYp(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.HYp(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.fXr(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.Svo(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.fwo(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.fVp(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.j1p(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.kcv(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.idv(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.U2(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.t2(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.V6(Unknown Source)
... 23 more
Any ideas ?
Thank you
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