I have self-hosted-engine (4.2) running on centos (7.4), the engine is running fine so I
am trying to deploy a test vm to check ssh connectivity.
however, the vm-infra role runs without any issues and I can see the new VM is in
"up" state but it does not have any IP assigned eventhough I have defined it in
the cloud_init dict. What I have noticed is that the reported_devices array comes out
empty and hence the "Wait for VMs IP" task within create_vm.yml is keep getting
TASK [oVirt.vm-infra : Wait for VMs IP]
task path: /ansible/roles/oVirt.vm-infra/tasks/main.yml:102
skipping: [hypervisor-ovirt] => (item={'name': 'mytest01-vm',
'tag': 'httpd_vm', 'profile': {'cluster':
'Default', 'domain': 'node.dev.dw', 'template':
'rhel7', 'memory': '2GiB', 'cores': 2, 'ssh_key':
'ssh-rsa AAA...LGx user@fqdn', 'disks': [{'size': '10GiB',
'name': 'data', 'storage_domain': 'hosted_storage',
'interface': 'virtio'}]}, 'cloud_init': {'host_name':
'mytestvm', 'dns_servers': '10.90.x.y 10.90.x.z',
'nic_boot_protocol': 'static', 'nic_ip_address':
'', 'nic_netmask': '',
'nic_gateway': '10.90.0.a', 'nic_name': 'eth0',
'nic_on_boot': True, 'custom_script': "write_files:\n - content: |\n
Hello, world!\n path: /tmp/greeting.txt\n permissions: '0644'\n",
'user_name': 'root', 'root_password': 'super_pass'},
'cloud_init_persist': True}) => {
"changed": false,
"item": {
"cloud_init": {
"custom_script": "write_files:\n - content: |\n Hello,
world!\n path: /tmp/greeting.txt\n permissions: '0644'\n",
"dns_servers": "10.90.x.y 10.90.x.z",
"host_name": "mytestvm",
"nic_boot_protocol": "static",
"nic_gateway": "10.90.x.a",
"nic_ip_address": "10.90.x.b",
"nic_name": "eth0",
"nic_netmask": "",
"nic_on_boot": true,
"root_password": "super_pass",
"user_name": "root"
"cloud_init_persist": true,
"name": "mytest01-vm",
"profile": {
"cluster": "Default",
"cores": 2,
"disks": [
"interface": "virtio",
"name": "data",
"size": "10GiB",
"storage_domain": "hosted_storage"
"domain": "node.dev.dw",
"memory": "2GiB",
"ssh_key": "ssh-rsa AAA...LGx user@fqdn",
"template": "rhel7"
"tag": "httpd_vm"
"skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"
I think this is the very last stage I am once the ssh connection works, I will be able to
use with install yum repo, etc.
Please advise.