Hi everyone,
Last week I had a server go down, which was the only node in my deployment handling the
hosted engine (ironically, this happened right when we were planning to move the he to
HA). As a result, we have been trying to redeploy the engine but have had no success.
We have tried installing on every ovirt node ng stable version from 4.4.10-4.5.4.el8 and
.el9. Unfortunately, each time we try to deploy the engine from scratch, we receive either
of two errors depending on the version. Some versions fail to create the default network,
which can be manually fixed but leads to the following error. The deployment goes until
the "Waiting for host to be up" stage; however, it fails without any information
as to why. I've sifted through virtually all the logs but can't find the root
cause. I am aware of an ongoing issue in the ansible collection
https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-ansible-collection/issues/695); however, even the fix
outlined there does not seem to solve this issue. Additionally, I have headed the recent
advice from Sandro to switch to the nightly version. Unfortunately, this has also not been
working on either ovirt node or CentOS 9/8, and today has resulted in the following
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd":
["virsh", "net-dumpxml", "default"], "delta":
"0:00:00.077767", "end": "2023-04-17 17:00:05.980049",
"msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start":
"2023-04-17 17:00:05.902282", "stderr": "error: failed to get
network 'default'\nerror: Network not found: no network with matching name
'default'", "stderr_lines": ["error: failed to get network
'default'", "error: Network not found: no network with matching name
'default'"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}
[ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Closing up': Failed getting local_vm_dir
Please let me know what additional information needs to be provided; I am more than happy
to do so.
Is there something I'm missing here? Is there a version that is confirmed to be
working at the moment?
I am grateful for anyone who takes the time to look into my issue,
Xavier Lauzon