I have problem with ovirt instalation.
Instalation hang on step "Wait for the host to be up"
I have vlan configuration and perhaps this is problem.
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"ansible_facts":
{"ovirt_hosts": [{"address": "hostxxxxx",
"affinity_labels": [], "auto_numa_status": "unknown",
"certificate": {"organization": "xxxxx",
"subject": "O=xxxx,CN=xxxxx"}, "cluster": {"href":
"id": "1874b3a6-a631-11ea-98bc-00163e7d7d57"}, "comment":
"", "cpu": {"speed": 0.0, "topology": {}},
"device_passthrough": {"enabled": false}, "devices": [],
"external_network_provider_configurations": [], "external_status":
"ok", "hardware_information": {"supported_rng_sources": []},
"hooks": [], "href":
"/ovirt-engine/api/hosts/3764c903-358a-4865-9cc8-2fa627800fef", "id":
"3764c903-358a-4865-9cc8-2fa627800fef", "katello_errata": [],
"kdump_status": "unknown", "ksm": {"enabled":
false}, "max_scheduling_memory": 0, "memory": 0, "name":
"hostxxxx", "network_attachments": [], "nics": [],
"numa_nodes": [], "numa_supported": false, "os":
{"custom_kernel_cmdline": ""}, "permission
s": [], "port": 54321, "power_management":
{"automatic_pm_enabled": true, "enabled": false,
"kdump_detection": true, "pm_proxies": []}, "protocol":
"stomp", "se_linux": {}, "spm": {"priority": 5,
"status": "none"}, "ssh": {"fingerprint":
"SHA256:67c4FdB+T7KAxxFRCjaiYRReB+n6Bv9EqZFh3J/d/Es", "port": 22},
"statistics": [], "status": "installing",
"storage_connection_extensions": [], "summary": {"total":
0}, "tags": [], "transparent_huge_pages": {"enabled":
false}, "type": "rhel", "unmanaged_networks": [],
"update_available": false, "vgpu_placement":
"consolidated"}]}, "attempts": 120, "changed": false}
Network connecting is work. I can login to
I don't know how ovirt checked if host is up ?