First of all thanks for spending time on improving this :)
On 2/16/25 06:51, Geoff O'Callaghan wrote:
There are a few PR's to come and some comments below. I like the
to be concise items that are easy to review (and preferably
standalone) but i'd also like to describe what i'm hoping to achieve
with the sequence.
This is to turn off the daily schedule (not currently working) and
build on push - also not currently working. This is just getting ready
for subsequent PR's.
I would prefer to get it fixed ;)
The next PR will add some changes to the workflow to enable an
almalinux9 based build to occur and a minor change to the Makefile to
set the distro on the generated iso. I've tested the changes in my own
self-hosted runner. I'm assuming the rest of the workflow (file
uploads etc) actually works as I cant test that as I don't have access
to the backends or related secrets.
I would try it indeed, let's see if we hit
I notice that the action runs on 'image-builders' (a self-hosted
runner group) - I have no idea if these runners still exist or not -
If not I can make a temporary runner available, but it's running in my
home lab and should only be considered temporary.
There is a self-hosted runner
available (sponsored by us). Use label
'self-hosted' should make it run on that runner.
I'd like to put in a PR to remove the '8' code completely as 'ng'
builds will never be based on '8'
Yea, el8 can be dropped everywhere :)
A minor PR is required to clean up some warnings in the '9' based
builds - deprecated ks options
Notes: Centos9 build still doesn't work, I don't know why as yet and
I didn't look at rocky linux 9, but at least almalinux builds enough
to test out.
Think we have a focus on C9S and Alma9 (and in the future C10S and
Let me know if the team wants me to amend the above approach.
Seems good! Send in
the PR's, I'll review and merge :)
On Fri, 14 Feb 2025 at 18:42, Jean-Louis Dupond <jean-louis(a)dupond.be>
I feel a PR coming in with the needed fixes/changes? :)
On 2/14/25 05:35, Geoff O'Callaghan wrote:
> In case you're wondering how I built it, there's no real magic.
> I checked out the repository
> (
https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-node-ng-image) on my alma
> system. It will likely be a similar result on other Linux
> systems, but I didn't test any other combinations.
> I use docker-ce on alma9. Note: The underlying system needs to
> be a working kvm environment as the build script performs qemu
> based builds.
> docker run -v /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel:/kernel -v
> $PWD:/workspace --device=/dev/kvm --device=/dev/kvm/tun
> --ulimit=nofile=262144:262144 --privileged -it
> quay.io/ovirt/buildcontainer:almalinux9
> <
http://quay.io/ovirt/buildcontainer:almalinux9> /bin/bash
> cd /workspace
> ./build.sh
> The .github/workflows/build.yml looks *mostly* correct, just some
> tweaks and it should be able to create build isos - assuming the
> upload actions etc still work.
> Personally I do my builds via vscode devcontainers, but that's
> fundamentally the above docker command.
> I hope this helps.
> On Thu, 13 Feb 2025 at 13:49, Geoff O'Callaghan
> <geoffocallaghan(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been able to build ovirt node (next) with almalinux 9 as
> the base OS. I haven't really had a chance to test it out.
> ovirt-node-ng-installer-4.5.6-2025021302.el9.iso
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Jean-Louis Dupond via Users
> *Sent:* Monday, February 03, 2025 8:43 PM
> *To:* ecsi(a)ecsi.hu; users(a)ovirt.org
> *Subject:* [ovirt-users] Re: oVirt New versioon ? Centos 10?
> Hi,
> The ovirt-node images are unmaintained atm. As the advantages
> versus the
> work for it are quite low.
> So except if somebody takes up maintenance of the node
> images, they will
> be unmaintained.
> CentOS 10 support will come, but that takes some time.
> Guess it's not that urgent neither, as CentOS 10 is still in
> early/beta
> stage.
> On 2/3/25 10:20, ecsi(a)ecsi.hu wrote:
> > Hi all!
> >
> > What can we know about this?
> >
> > and will there ever be a new version besides the promises?
> Will there be Centos 10 support?
> >
> > And for those who have already given up on oVirt, what do
> they use besides proxmox?
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