Hello folks,
Hoping I can trace this down here but kind of "out of the box" error going on
- Install oVirt Node OS
- Manual steps using ovirt-hosted-engine-setup
Might be a step I glanced over so I'm alright with a finger point and RTFM statement.
Process fails out:
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Obtain SSO token using username/password
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Wait for the host to be up]
This ^^^^ is the task that failed. The deploy process asks the engine
to add the host, then polls the engine waiting until the host appears
as Up.
For you, it timed out.
Please check/share all of the directory
/var/log/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup, to try to find why.
If engine-logs-* inside it is empty, you might try to get the engine
logs from the engine VM itself - you can find its IP address by
searching the logs for "local_vm_ip" and ssh to it from the host.
Best regards,
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"attempts":
120, "changed": false, "ovirt_hosts": [{"address":
"mtl-hv-14.teve.inc", "affinity
_labels": [], "auto_numa_status": "unknown",
"certificate": {"organization": "teve.inc",
"subject": "O=teve.inc,CN=mtl-hv-14.teve.inc"},
"cluster": {"href":
"id": "ba6daa62-b1a5-11ea-a207-00163e79d98c"}, "
comment": "", "cpu": {"speed": 0.0,
"topology": {}}, "device_passthrough": {"enabled": false},
"devices": [], "external_network_provider
_configurations": [], "external_status": "ok",
"hardware_information": {"supported_rng_sources": []},
"hooks": [], "href": "/ovirt-engin
e/api/hosts/e1399963-f520-4bdc-8ef0-832dc3d99ece", "id":
"e1399963-f520-4bdc-8ef0-832dc3d99ece", "katello_errata": [],
"kdump_status": "
unknown", "ksm": {"enabled": false},
"max_scheduling_memory": 0, "memory": 0, "name":
"mtl-hv-14.teve.inc", "network_attachments": [], "
nics": [], "numa_nodes": [], "numa_supported": false,
"os": {"custom_kernel_cmdline": ""},
"permissions": [], "port": 54321, "power_management":
{"automatic_pm_enabled": true, "enabled": false,
"kdump_detection": true, "pm_proxies": []}, "protocol":
"stomp", "se_linux": $}, "spm": {"priority": 5,
"status": "none"}, "ssh": {"fingerprint":
"SHA256:rfVGiGz8dQU7Hr5irbd8N+xBkj94qWThArTokcSqGV8", "port": 22},
$statistics": [], "status": "install_failed",
"storage_connection_extensions": [], "summary": {"total":
0}, "tags": [], "transparent_hug$_pages": {"enabled":
false}, "type": "rhel", "unmanaged_networks": [],
"update_available": false, "vgpu_placement":
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg":
"The system may not be provisioned according to the playbook results$ please check
the logs for the issue, fix accordingly or re-deploy from scratch.\n"}
[ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Closing up': Failed executing
I've attached the ovirt-hosted-engine-setup log.
Thank you,
Ian Easter
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