On Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 10:39 AM <minnie.du(a)vinchin.com> wrote:
We have met a problem when testing oVirt 4.4.
Our VM is on NFS storage. When testing the snapshot function of oVirt 4.4, we created
snapshot 1 and then snapshot 2, but after clicking the delete button of snapshot 1,
snapshot 1 failed to be deleted and the state of corresponding disk became illegal.
Illegal means that you cannot restore this snapshot, it was modified by merging
data from the next layer, so it does not represent the state of the VM
at the time
of the snapshot any more.
Removing the snapshot in this state requires a lot of risky work in
the background, leading to the inability to free up snapshot space. Long-term backups will
cause the target VM to create a large number of unrecoverable snapshots, thus taking up a
large amount of production storage. So we need your help.
Failure to remove a snapshot should be recoverable by retrying the operation.
If retrying still fails, you should be able to delete the snapshot
after stopping the VM.
If this also fails, there may be an issue in the volume metadata that
needs to be
fixed manually.
Please file a bug if this is the case.