[VOTE] Include Nomad into the oVirt Incubator

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Thu Oct 27 20:16:42 UTC 2011

On 10/27/2011 09:09 PM, Isaac Christoffersen wrote:
> Itamar,
> I'm actually looking forward to the portal and web admin next week. I'm
> certain there will be some convergence/reusability there and it would be
> helpful to see the different use cases at hand. I'm also looking at ways
> to ensure
> As a background, we used the RHEVM-API because of it provides us the
> ability to do pretty much anything that the IE-Only GUI did. And with
> fewer clicks ;-) Before that, my alternative was to fire up my Remote
> Desktop application on my Xoom and pull back the windows environment -
> not very android wifi friendly.
> I think there are 2 design goals that are relevant here:
>     1) One codebase to generate a mobile application for both iOS and
>     Android.
>     2) Cache the immutable attributes for resources (GUIDs, in
>     particular) to the number of remote calls.
> This does not preclude someone from flipping to the full browser on the
> mobile device, but it can provide some quick admin functionality,
> especially in when there is a poor network connection.

I agree. smartphones are different (using browser on them is last resort 
for me)
not so sure about tablets, but will be happy to learn something new.
looking forward to discussing what's common/what's not next week to see 
how to push this forward.


> Isaac

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