[Engine-devel] Chang in default ports 8700 and 8701 (was "Change in default ports: 6090 and 6091")

Juan Hernandez jhernand at redhat.com
Mon Aug 27 08:58:36 UTC 2012

Take two, using ports 8700 and 8701 to avoid overlap with VNC and spice
ports in all in one configurations. Any objection? If not I will merge
it end of day today.

Yaniv, any objection from QA point of view?

Eyal, do you foresee any problem in the CI environment?

On 08/26/2012 09:36 AM, Itamar Heim wrote:
> On 08/24/2012 03:45 PM, Juan Hernandez wrote:
>> On 08/24/2012 01:42 PM, Itamar Heim wrote:
>>> On 08/24/2012 02:27 PM, Juan Hernandez wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Some time ago I requested feedback about a change in the port numbers
>>>> used by the engine, the details are in this thread:
>>>> http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/engine-devel/2012-July/002089.html
>>>> I didn't receive bad feedback, neither in the thread or in the proposed
>>>> change in gerrit:
>>>> http://gerrit.ovirt.org/6348
>>>> I tested it as much as I can, so I think it is ready for merge. Unless
>>>> someone has an strong reason to not do this change I will merge it on
>>>> Monday 27 afternoon.
>>>> Remember that with this change the default ports used by the engine will
>>>> be 6090 for HTTP and 6091 for HTTPS. This will affect RPM installations
>>> danken - what is the range of spice ports used by vdsm (iirc they start
>>> with 5900) and what are the secure ports?
>>> juan - maybe something that close to spice/vnc ports to avoid collission
>>> on an all-in-one.
>> Yes, it is be good idea to stay away from those spice and VNC port
>> ranges. What about 8700 and 8701? They are also available according to
>> /etc/services and IANA [1].
> sounds good to me.
>>>> and also development environments, so next time you do "mvn -Psetup"
>>>> your local installation of the application server will start using port
>>>> 6090 instead of 8080.
>>>> Also take into account that if you are using Apache as a proxy it will
>>>> continue using ports 80 and 443 by default, no change there.
>>>> If you have objections please let me know.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Juan Hernández
>> [1]
>> http://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-numbers/service-names-port-numbers.xml

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