[Engine-devel] Shipping settings.xml in oVirt engine's git repo (was RE: maven settings.xml in building ovirt engine wiki)

Allon Mureinik amureini at redhat.com
Wed Nov 28 08:05:18 UTC 2012

> Note that settings.xml isn't shifted with ovirt-engine, nor stored on
> ovirt-engine git repository. Therefore there is no real method to
> control its content expect updating the wiki page.

Spinning off from the previous discussion - we can't really control the contents of settings.xml, but perhaps we can make them easier to get.

Today, the flow is like this:
1. git clone - depends on gerrit.ovirt.org
2. wget settings.xml - depends on wiki.ovirt.org

Suppose we ship settings.xml inside the configuration folder of ovirt (next to engine-code-format.xml and engine-commit-template.txt).
Then you'll have to do:
1. git clone - depends on gerrit.ovirt.org
2. cp $OVIRT_GIT/config/settings.xml ~/.m2/

This may a bit simpler, and at the very least, when we update our code (e.g., to assume java7, *hint*), we can make all the changes in a single commit, and not have to update the code and then upload a file to the wiki.

Comments? Feedback?


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