Trust seed

Karsten 'quaid' Wade kwade at
Tue Jul 10 04:35:39 UTC 2012

Hash: SHA1

As discussed in last week's meeting, I'm proposing myself as a trust
seed for this team. Here's what that means, why me, and what it does
for us. Full consensus requested, please: +1, +0, or -1 (latter with
reasoning included.)

We need to make the leap with this project and begin trusting each
other enough to share root/sudo access on production servers[1]. By a
"trust seed" I mean, a person who all others involved trust in
deciding who else to trust. As a seed, it's a one time thing - once
created, the initial trust circle will decide for itself how to
perpetuate, i.e., how to add new people in to the trust circle.

Regarding my qualifications for being trusted and extending trust,
some supporting points:

* Some of you have met me in person, at the initial oVirt workshop and
other locations.
* Demonstrated involvement in oVirt (presuming my wiki and GPG
accounts are not compromised, I have commit and email history to show
* Trust in Red Hat can extend to me, based on my 10+ years employment,
* Presence and positions of trust in other open source projects,
namely the Fedora Project.
* Experience working in Fedora Infrastructure as part of a distance
team of people who have never all met in person.
* Handful of videos of me talking at conferences, identified by name,
and so forth.

I can provide references for the above, if requested.

Thanks - Karsten

[1] If we move to OpenShift (or similar), then the admin access is who
has keys to update the app on OpenShift; ultimately the same trust
issues need to be resolved.
- -- 
Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Analyst - Community Growth  .^\
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