Trust seed

Robert Middleswarth robert at
Tue Jul 10 06:00:29 UTC 2012

On 07/10/2012 12:35 AM, Karsten 'quaid' Wade wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> As discussed in last week's meeting, I'm proposing myself as a trust
> seed for this team. Here's what that means, why me, and what it does
> for us. Full consensus requested, please: +1, +0, or -1 (latter with
> reasoning included.)
> We need to make the leap with this project and begin trusting each
> other enough to share root/sudo access on production servers[1]. By a
> "trust seed" I mean, a person who all others involved trust in
> deciding who else to trust. As a seed, it's a one time thing - once
> created, the initial trust circle will decide for itself how to
> perpetuate, i.e., how to add new people in to the trust circle.
> Regarding my qualifications for being trusted and extending trust,
> some supporting points:
> * Some of you have met me in person, at the initial oVirt workshop and
> other locations.
> * Demonstrated involvement in oVirt (presuming my wiki and GPG
> accounts are not compromised, I have commit and email history to show
> involvement.)
> * Trust in Red Hat can extend to me, based on my 10+ years employment,
> etc.
> * Presence and positions of trust in other open source projects,
> namely the Fedora Project.
> * Experience working in Fedora Infrastructure as part of a distance
> team of people who have never all met in person.
> * Handful of videos of me talking at conferences, identified by name,
> and so forth.
> I can provide references for the above, if requested.

I personally believe the current team should be grandfathered in.  I 
think moving forward is were we as a team need to be thinking about who 
gets added in.

> Thanks - Karsten
> [1] If we move to OpenShift (or similar), then the admin access is who
> has keys to update the app on OpenShift; ultimately the same trust
> issues need to be resolved.
> - -- 
> Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Analyst - Community Growth
>  .^\
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