oVirt Forum Pilot

Carl Trieloff cctrieloff at redhat.com
Tue May 8 20:23:16 UTC 2012

I like the idea of Forums. I know some teams have created patches to
mailman so it will post all thread on the list to the forum and visa
versa, so you can pick your interface.

Statistically forums get more traffic and are better for users, so if we
picked one, moving to forums would get my vote. doing the mailmain forum
hookup might also be worth exploring.


On 05/08/2012 10:57 AM, Barry Kostjens wrote:
> This is what Doron said about it:
> The thing is, it creates duplication.
> So people wither use both the list and the forum,
> or randomly selects one. Then you get people trying to cross-reference
> the lists and the forums...
> Now once we get into this state, it'll be impossible to monitor the
> various channels as I try to do today.
> Op 8 mei 2012, om 16:54 heeft Heiko W.Rupp het volgende geschreven:
>> Am 08.05.2012 um 16:32 schrieb Barry Kostjens:
>>> I made a suggestion to Doron Fediuck for setting up a ovirt forum pilot which might deprecate the users list in the future.
>> Why not have both? A mailing list is perfect for offline usage and for (some) forums there exist bi-directional email
>> gateways.
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