[RFC] Telling the world: What about planet.ovirt.org?

Fabian Deutsch fabiand at redhat.com
Tue May 15 13:09:54 UTC 2012

Good day,

planets [1] are nice way to aggregate blog posts - and to give the user
or interested human out there a way to get some insight into the
development and usage of oVirt.

So, what do you thinkg about offering our own planet.ovirt.org?

Besides some infrastructure this needs some people to write about what
they are doing.
If we were just aggregating existing blogs this might not be to much
work to get a planet up and running.
There are a couple of things to consider:
- Who could contribute to this planet?
- Very oVirt centric? So, just aggregating posts that are tagged with   
  contain a specific keyword, or even moderated?


[1] e.g. http://planet.fedoraproject.org
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