oVirt Jenkins - setting verified flag / messaging

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Fri Mar 8 19:43:30 UTC 2013

On 03/07/2013 08:50 PM, Douglas Landgraf wrote:
> Hi,
> When we send a patch to gerrit.ovirt.org for VDSM project, jenkins start
> the building job and if everything is nice it set the flag 'verified'.
> Is it possible to jenkins not set the flag verified?
> It's looks like more building validation then a real test.


> Also, is it possible to Jenkins stop saying that it starts a test and
> just tell us when something is broken?

main problem is then we don't know when it stopped working altogether...
but doing a single comment for all starting jobs would reduce amount of 
noise dramatically

> Thanks!

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