Removing duplicated rpms

Sandro Bonazzola sbonazzo at
Tue Jul 8 05:50:16 UTC 2014

Il 02/07/2014 16:18, David Caro ha scritto:
> Hi!
> Lately we have been having space issues on and I'm working
> on a small script to remove duplicated rpms and use hard links instead. But I
> have a question:
> Do we care if there are signed rpms inside nightly repo or ovirt-node repo? (or
> any other repo for that matter), if so, why? Can we just use gpgcheck=0 on the
> repo files for those?

Nightly are unsigned by default so they should have gpgcheck=0 anyway.
There shouldn't be issues in having signed rpms there.

> I say so because a signed rpm and an unsigned one are different files, and if
> you want both, you have to keep both, but if there's no need for that, you can
> just remove the unsigned one and create a link to the signed one liberating that
> space.
> In my tests, I can save around 7GB of space right now. We can add the script as
> a cron once a day to maintain the links once ready.

Sandro Bonazzola
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