[Kimchi-devel] Kimchi feedback

Paul Clarke pc at us.ibm.com
Thu Jun 5 02:53:16 UTC 2014

(Fairly new user of Kimchi, with first impressions)

Is there a good location for documentation?

It seems difficult to make a new ISO available, or I chose a poor way.
- I downloaded from an FTP site requiring non-anonymous authentication
- I scp'd it to root at host
- I tried to use it from there, but I got permission denied 
"KCHISO0008E: The hypervisor doesn't have permission to use this ISO 

- the message above recommends copying the file to /var/lib/libvirt, but 
I think you actually have to copy it to /var/lib/libvirt/images

- you also need to "chown qemu" the ISO image

After the above steps, it finally became visible and usable.

Further feedback:
- The above error message appears as a bright pop-over with a nice 'X' 
for dismissing, but it automatically disappears so quickly, it's 
impossible to read the entire message

- in the "Edit Template" dialog, what is "CPU Number"?  I presume that 
is "number of (virtual) processors"?

- in the "Edit Template" dialog, what are the units for "Memory"?  It is 
apparently megabytes, but that should be noted

Paul Clarke, IBM

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