[Users] Removing the "default" Cluster..

Spyro Polymiadis spyro at rsp.com.au
Thu Feb 2 09:07:02 EST 2012

it is purely the annoyance of it being there :) 
maybe a bit of ocd - id like to see a nice clean setup 

Admittently - i *could* have just renamed the "default" cluster to what i created my new cluster and not worried about creating the new cluster.. 

Might have to revert to doing that as it seems you cant remove/rename/edit the "blank" template :( 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Yaniv Kaul" <ykaul at redhat.com> 
To: "Spyro Polymiadis" <spyro at rsp.com.au> 
Cc: users at ovirt.org 
Sent: Friday, 3 February, 2012 12:28:08 AM 
Subject: Re: [Users] Removing the "default" Cluster.. 

On 02/02/2012 03:56 PM, Spyro Polymiadis wrote: 

hrmm.. looks like removing the default cluster is blocked because the blank template is still assigned to it... however i cant edit/remove or change it to the new cluster... 


Except for the annoyance of it being there, is there a particular reason you wish to remove it? 
(I'm pretty you can't - feel free to file a bug about it, though). 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Spyro Polymiadis" <spyro at rsp.com.au> 
To: "Spyro Polymiadis" <spyro at rsp.com.au> 
Cc: users at ovirt.org 
Sent: Friday, 3 February, 2012 12:22:52 AM 
Subject: Re: [Users] Removing the "default" Cluster.. 

also - on removing "default" things - the "blank" template... 
Ive created a second template - yet it still wont let me remove the blank one :( 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Spyro Polymiadis" <spyro at rsp.com.au> 
To: users at ovirt.org 
Sent: Friday, 3 February, 2012 12:21:42 AM 
Subject: [Users] Removing the "default" Cluster.. 


Can it be done? 
Ive created a new cluster, and moved/removed everything i can see that is "attached" to the default cluster - yet it still tells me 

"Error: Cannot remove default Host Cluster." 

The only thing that im not sure about, is the ovirtmgmt network - it wont let me "detach".. 
Ive tried performing the remove from the System Level and the Cluster level (on the left side tree) 

In saying that, theres a few things that only seem to be "editable" if you edit the properties from a specific area... ie, moving a hypervisor host between clusters, editing the host under the "hosts" level option, its greyed out, but if i edit the host from the System level - it works.. 

(ps, sorry for all the questions :( - ive been using vSphere for the last few years in my previous company, and now looking to implement ovirt in my current company, its a bit of a tail chase to find some areas for configuration - but its good learning experience) 


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