[Users] Removing the "default" Cluster..

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Fri Feb 3 09:27:22 EST 2012

On 02/02/2012 04:07 PM, Spyro Polymiadis wrote:
> it is purely the annoyance of it being there :)
> maybe a bit of ocd - id like to see a nice clean setup
> Admittently - i *could* have just renamed the "default" cluster to what
> i created my new cluster and not worried about creating the new cluster..
> Might have to revert to doing that as it seems you cant
> remove/rename/edit the "blank" template :(

you can't remove it because indeed the blank template is mapped to it.
you also can't remove the blank template, else you wouldn't be able to 
create virtual machines (blank template is a for a "clean" VM - i.e., 
the first one you'd create).

I'm not saying it's the cleanest approach, but requires some work to 
remove and no one had the incentive to try and clean this up.

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From: *"Yaniv Kaul" <ykaul at redhat.com>
> *To: *"Spyro Polymiadis" <spyro at rsp.com.au>
> *Cc: *users at ovirt.org
> *Sent: *Friday, 3 February, 2012 12:28:08 AM
> *Subject: *Re: [Users] Removing the "default" Cluster..
> On 02/02/2012 03:56 PM, Spyro Polymiadis wrote:
>     hrmm.. looks like removing the default cluster is blocked because
>     the blank template is still assigned to it... however i cant
>     edit/remove or change it to the new cluster...
> Except for the annoyance of it being there, is there a particular reason
> you wish to remove it?
> (I'm pretty you can't - feel free to file a bug about it, though).
> Y.
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     *From: *"Spyro Polymiadis" <spyro at rsp.com.au>
>     *To: *"Spyro Polymiadis" <spyro at rsp.com.au>
>     *Cc: *users at ovirt.org
>     *Sent: *Friday, 3 February, 2012 12:22:52 AM
>     *Subject: *Re: [Users] Removing the "default" Cluster..
>     also - on removing "default" things - the "blank" template...
>     Ive created a second template - yet it still wont let me remove the
>     blank one :(
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     *From: *"Spyro Polymiadis" <spyro at rsp.com.au>
>     *To: *users at ovirt.org
>     *Sent: *Friday, 3 February, 2012 12:21:42 AM
>     *Subject: *[Users] Removing the "default" Cluster..
>     Hiya,
>     Can it be done?
>     Ive created a new cluster, and moved/removed everything i can see
>     that is "attached" to the default cluster - yet it still tells me
>     "Error: Cannot remove default Host Cluster."
>     The only thing that im not sure about, is the ovirtmgmt network - it
>     wont let me "detach"..
>     Ive tried performing the remove from the System Level and the
>     Cluster level (on the left side tree)
>     In saying that, theres a few things that only seem to be "editable"
>     if you edit the properties from a specific area... ie, moving a
>     hypervisor host between clusters, editing the host under the "hosts"
>     level option, its greyed out, but if i edit the host from the System
>     level - it works..
>     Cheers
>     (ps, sorry for all the questions :( - ive been using vSphere for the
>     last few years in my previous company, and now looking to implement
>     ovirt in my current company, its a bit of a tail chase to find some
>     areas for configuration - but its good learning experience)
>     Spyro
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