[Users] [Spice-devel] mouse problem with muiltiple monitors (was HowTo: Spice ActiveX Plugin/Virt Viewer Console on oVirt 3.1)

Dead Horse deadhorseconsulting at gmail.com
Sat Oct 6 02:34:00 UTC 2012

I've actually started to notice that this occurs natively as well (I rarely
if ever use the activex console on a native windows install). However I
have noted that with a Native Windows install and the Activex Remote Viewer
version 0.5.3 that alot of guests have mouse issues w/o spice vdagent or
the windows spice agent in place (very annoying during LFC guests with no
knowledge of "spice mice"). Windows installs can be slipstreamed with the
spice drivers to fix this but thats really a pain. Linux guests however not
as easy. This actually seems to a repeat of this issue:
http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/users/2012-February/000351.html (for which
a fix was applied to windows spicec + activex NOT remote-viewer) possible
regression? Using the usbtablet custom vdsm hook does indeed solve issues
with  guests that encounter this issue. I have noted it within older linux
guests (no surprise they know nothing of a spice mouse), windows guests,
solaris guests, some of the older opensuse and ubuntu as well as fedora.
The most confusing one was RHEL 6.x which without the spice vdagent loaded
will experience the cursor jumping in and out of the window or randomly on
the spice display. I note the one downside of the usbtablet is that power
users are able to view custom hooks in the PUP UI, but cannot set them as
only the "admin role" not "user role" can do this. That is to say the power
user can look at and even set the hook but is stopped short of committing
it to the VM settings.


On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 5:18 AM, Christophe Fergeau <cfergeau at redhat.com>wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 12:26:43PM +0300, Itamar Heim wrote:
> > On 09/13/2012 10:24 AM, Karli Sjöberg wrote:
> > >
> > >13 sep 2012 kl. 01.21 skrev Dead Horse:
> > >
> > >>Thank you! glad to be able to help ;)
> > >>
> > >>As Itamar mentioned if you are running the spice client inside a VM
> > >>(dunno if this is case) you will need the guest paravirtual driver
> > >>and/or services for mouse handling. I have observed exactly this
> > >>behavior before when running the spice client in a VM when the guest
> > >>tools/drivers for mouse handling are not present (In my case most of
> > >>the time VirtualBox).
> > >
> > >Very amusing "bug":) But cripples SPICE´s usage.
> > >
> > >I have tested this from 5 different physical machines running Win7/IE,
> > >and this behavior shows itself only on machines with more than one
> > >monitor, or a laptop with another monitor attached .e.g. These guest
> > >tools you both mention, would these be
> > >"http://spice-space.org/download/binaries/spice-guest-tools-0.1.exe"?
> > >And can you install them in a physical machine as well?
> >
> > cc-ing spice-devel to see if they have insights on your issue
> Could this be related to
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=852841
> ?
> Christophe
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