[Users] about using vlan or quantum in ovirt

René Koch (ovido) r.koch at ovido.at
Wed Aug 7 10:31:58 EDT 2013

On Wed, 2013-08-07 at 20:18 +0800, lofyer wrote:
> How can we implement the following scenarios in current oVirt release?
> 1. Suppot four VMs (VMA, VMB, VMC and VMD) run on the same Virtualization node. VMA and VMB is in one subnet, while VMC and VMD is in another subnet. VMA/VMB can communicate with VMC/VMD, or VMA/VMB can not communicate with VMC/VMD.
>              case1: can comunicate with
>     subnet1  case2: can not comunicate with  subnet2                               
>     +--------------------+    +--------------------+
>     |  +-----+  +-----+  [    |  +-----+  +-----+  |
>     |  | VMA |  | VMB |  |    |  | VMC |  | VMD |  |
>     |  +-----+  +-----+  |    |  |-----+  +-----+  |
>     +--------------------+    +--------------------+
>                  +------------------+ 
>                  |  Virtualization  |
>                  |  Node            |
>                  +------------------+
>                            |
>        ------------------------------------ (LAN)
> 2. Suppose VMA and VMC run on one Virtualization Node, while VMB and VMD run on the other Virtualization Node. VMA and VMB is in one subnet, while VMC and VMD is in another subnet. VMA/VMB can communicate with VMC/VMD, or VMA/VMB can not communicate with VMC/VMD.
>                   case1: can comunicate with
>     subnet1       case2: can not comunicate with        subnet2                               
>     +------------------------------------------+
>     |           +-----------------+            |
>     |  +-----+  |  +-----------+   [  +-----+  |  +-----------+
>     |  | VMA |  |  |  +-----+   |  |  | VMB |  |  |  +-----+  |
>     |  +-----+  |  |  | VMC |   |  |  +-----+  |  |  | VMD |  |
>     +----------+   |  +-----+   |  +-----------+  |  +-----+  |
>                    |            +----------------+            |
>                    +------------------------------------------+
>         +------------------+           +------------------+
>         |  Virtualization  |           |  Virtualization  |
>         |  Node            |           |  Node            |
>         +------------------+           +------------------+
>                   |                              |
>                 ------------------------------------ (LAN)
> Can we do this with oVirt network (vlan tag)? If yes, how? If no, is Quantum (Neutron) network OK? and where should we find more information in oVirt documents?


I would solve this in the following way:

1. configure 2 logical networks with vlans
e.g. lan1 (vlan id 100, ip network, lan2 (vlan id 200, ip
2. assign vnics of vms to corresponding logical network
3. create firewall rules on firewall to allow/disallow communication (fw
must be in both vlans)

Hope this helps.


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