[Users] Compliance problem with ovirt 3.3 on Fedora 19

Suckow, Thomas J Thomas.Suckow at pnnl.gov
Tue Aug 27 14:03:26 EDT 2013

#vdsClient -s 0 getVdsCaps | grep emulatedMachines
emulatedMachines = []

qemu-kvm is installed, though the ksm package was not. i have now installed it.

Interesting lines in messages:

 vdsm vds WARNING Unable to load the json rpc server module. Please make sure it is installed
Aug 27 10:41:06 we13196 kernel: [  325.223488] device-mapper: table: 253:2: multipath: error getting device
Aug 27 10:41:06 we13196 kernel: [  325.223496] device-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table
Aug 27 10:41:06 we13196 kernel: [  325.224890] device-mapper: table: 253:2: multipath: error getting device
Aug 27 10:41:06 we13196 kernel: [  325.224898] device-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table

extra getVdsCaps info:

operatingSystem = {'name': 'Fedora', 'release': '2', 'version': '19'}
	packages2 = {'kernel': {'buildtime': 1371004778.0,
	                        'release': '301.fc19.x86_64',
	                        'version': '3.9.5'},
	             'libvirt': {'buildtime': 1375400611,
	                         'release': '1.fc19',
	                         'version': ''},
	             'mom': {'buildtime': 1375215820, 'release': '3.fc19', 'version': '0.3.2'},
	             'qemu-img': {'buildtime': 1376836471,
	                          'release': '7.fc19',
	                          'version': '1.4.2'},
	             'qemu-kvm': {'buildtime': 1376836471,
	                          'release': '7.fc19',
	                          'version': '1.4.2'},
	             'spice-server': {'buildtime': 1369154734,
	                              'release': '1.fc19',
	                              'version': '0.12.3'},
	             'vdsm': {'buildtime': 1377187393, 'release': '2.fc19', 'version': '4.12.0'}}
	reservedMem = '321'
	software_revision = '2'
	software_version = '4.12'
	supportedENGINEs = ['3.0', '3.1', '3.2', '3.3']
	supportedProtocols = ['2.2', '2.3']
	uuid = '...631'
	version_name = 'Snow Man'
	vlans = {}
	vmTypes = ['kvm']

Other things of note:

It seems libvirt is starting before the network is ready.

2013-08-27 10:36:15.222+0000: 1161: error : virNetSocketNewListenTCP:240 : Unable to resolve address '' service '16514': Address family for hostname not supported
2013-08-27 10:36:15.222+0000: 1161: info : virNetlinkEventServiceStopAll:422 : stopping all netlink event services

Which results in VDSM failing with:

Aug 27 03:36:26 we13196 systemd-vdsmd[815]: libvirt.libvirtError: Failed to connect socket to '/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock': No such file or directory
Aug 27 03:36:26 we13196 systemd-vdsmd[815]: vdsm: Failed to define network filters on libvirt[FAILED]
Aug 27 03:36:26 we13196 systemd[1]: vdsmd.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1
Aug 27 03:36:26 we13196 systemd[1]: Failed to start Virtual Desktop Server Manager.
Aug 27 03:36:26 we13196 systemd[1]: Unit vdsmd.service entered failed state.

Clicking activate in the ovirt UI however restarts both services and we end up back at the emulatedMachines = [] issue.
Probably not related as I am not seeing other errors in logs, but never know.

From: Yaniv Bronheim [ybronhei at redhat.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 9:31 AM
To: Alon Bar-Lev
Cc: Suckow, Thomas J; Yair Zaslavsky; users at ovirt.org
Subject: Re: [Users] Compliance problem with ovirt 3.3 on Fedora 19

The Hosts emulated machines are <UNKNOWN>, is probably an error during parsing emulatedMachines that returned from vdsm.
doesn't have anything with network IIUC..
so its probably new bug in parsing the list. please run "vdsClient -s 0 getVdsCaps | grep emulatedMachines" on host and send it here.

For the second service issue, its quite obvious -> ksmtuned couldn't start with systemd nor initctl,
try to start it manually, maybe you just missing 'qemu-kvm' package somehow.

Let me know the outputs and I'll try to figure it more deeply.


Yaniv Bronhaim.

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Alon Bar-Lev" <alonbl at redhat.com>
> To: "Thomas Suckow" <thomas.suckow at pnnl.gov>, "Yaniv Bronheim" <ybronhei at redhat.com>, "Yair Zaslavsky"
> <yzaslavs at redhat.com>
> Cc: users at ovirt.org
> Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 8:55:06 AM
> Subject: Re: [Users] Compliance problem with ovirt 3.3 on Fedora 19
> ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Thomas Suckow" <thomas.suckow at pnnl.gov>
> > To: users at ovirt.org
> > Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 1:48:33 AM
> > Subject: Re: [Users] Compliance problem with ovirt 3.3 on Fedora 19
> >
> > Snippets of what seems possibly relevant:
> > https://gist.github.com/thomassuckow/995f422cd5c46c6de98c
> >
> > messages seems mostly happy with the exception of a crash in
> > "/usr/bin/vdsm-tool" related to ksmtuned, not sure if relevant
> >
> > The engine.log shows the error I mentioned before:
> >
> > ... Message: Host myhost does not comply with the cluster Default emulated
> > machines. The Hosts emulated machines are <UNKNOWN> and the cluster is
> > [rhel6.4.0, pc-1.0]}
> > ...
> > ... Message: State was set to NonOperational for host myhost
> >
> For the service issue, I am adding Yaniv.
> The Hosts emulated machines are <UNKNOWN>, I am adding Yair.
> As far as I can see the host-deploy is finished OK, just to confirm can you
> send output of:
> # ip link
> # ip addr
> Thanks!
> Alon

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