[Users] How do I add a node?
Markus Stockhausen
stockhausen at collogia.de
Fri Dec 13 17:41:41 UTC 2013
> 1. Install Fedora (minimum install) on each machine
> 2. Install tar on each node machine
> 3. Install the engine on the controller machine.
> 4. Add nodes using IP and password in the web admin interface and let the controller build the node.
> 5. Profit.
I guess you missed some manual steps. I always wondered
why that never found its way into the Wiki ...
4a: Ensure that /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-XXX
match the names of the interfaces inside the scripts. So
if you have an interface eth1 rename the script to ifcfg-eth1
and so on.
4b: Remove the numbers from IPADDR0, SUBNET0, ...
so that they read IPADDR, ... Leave DNS0 as it is
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