[Users] How do Networks and Vlan-tagging work in oVirt ?

Pavel Zhukov pavel at zhukoff.net
Tue Feb 12 16:24:56 EST 2013


Basically Ovirt operates with VLANs by creating tagged devices
ethX.<ID> and attaching them to the bridge named <network_name>. 

For example: ovirt has ovirtmgmg, spice and 3 vm's networks: ovirtmgm (VLAN100), 
spice (VLAN101), vmnet1-3 (VLAN 201-203)
Bridges for each networks will be created and attached:

ovirtmgmt    eth0.100
spice    eth0.101
vmnet1   eth0.201
         vnet1  -- VM will be attached here
vmnet2   eth0.202
         vnet2  -- VM will be attached here
vmnet3   eth0.203
         vnet3  -- VM will be attached here
and so on. 

A VM is attached using the tun interface to the VM network

You don't have to assign IP address to the bridge of any VM networks. IP addresses are required only for
ovirtmgmt and display networks. 

Best regards, Pavel Zhukov 
mailto:pavel at zhukoff.net
On Mon, 11 Feb 2013, Matt . wrote:

> I'm struggeling setting up my network in oVirt at the moment as I would like to
> seperate specific VM's from other devices/clients in my network.
> I have decent setup switching network using Vlans, this is also the fact for
> ovirt and the storage nodes where teh ports are seperated between storage and
> management.
> Because I want to manage which client can acces which VM I need Vlan tagging.
> The question is where are we going to do this, on the VM itself or on the
> network I attach the VM's Nic to.
> Because of the lacking documentation at this point it's not clear, so I would
> like to figure out and maybe change the wiki there.
> I also cannot understand why I can set an IP to a network and only the subnet
> where I also can set DHCP which puts also the gateway.
> I'm not able to set None or DHCP and can only add a network with IP, but what
> IP and why ? Or just a 192.16.x.0 with a subnet ?
> I hope someone can clear this a little bit more out.
> Thanks!

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