[Users] How do Networks and Vlan-tagging work in oVirt ?

Moti Asayag masayag at redhat.com
Tue Feb 12 16:43:40 EST 2013

On 02/11/2013 12:37 PM, Matt . wrote:
> I'm struggeling setting up my network in oVirt at the moment as I would
> like to seperate specific VM's from other devices/clients in my network.

You should define the 'logical networks' which describe the networks of
your setup.
See the response to Nicolas on this thread of the steps to achieve it.
If wish to create a network dedicated to storage which shouldn't allow
VMs to use it, it should be defined as non-vm network.
Once the network is assigned to a cluster, you can add new network
interface to your VMs which defines to which bridges (vm networks) they
are connected: hence, segregating the VMs is done by the vlan-id of the
bridge the VMs are connected to.

> I have decent setup switching network using Vlans, this is also the fact
> for ovirt and the storage nodes where teh ports are seperated between
> storage and management.
> Because I want to manage which client can acces which VM I need Vlan
> tagging. The question is where are we going to do this, on the VM itself
> or on the network I attach the VM's Nic to.
> Because of the lacking documentation at this point it's not clear, so I
> would like to figure out and maybe change the wiki there.
> I also cannot understand why I can set an IP to a network and only the
> subnet where I also can set DHCP which puts also the gateway.

The default gateway can be provided for the management network only. You
can define its IP address either as static by providing its known IP
address or letting it determine the address from the DHCP server.
You cannot select 'None' as boot-protocol for the management network
since then the engine will not be able to communicate with the host.

However you can select 'none' boot-protocol to any other networks if wishes.

> I'm not able to set None or DHCP and can only add a network with IP, but
> what IP and why ? Or just a 192.16.x.0 with a subnet ?
> I hope someone can clear this a little bit more out.

> Thanks!
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