[Users] iSCSI multipath with EqualLogic SAN

Jonathan Horne jhorne at skopos.us
Mon Mar 11 16:28:05 UTC 2013

I finally had some time to work on this again now that I have some more nodes to work with.

I am trying to get the ovirt node to log in from more than 1 IP address to the Equallogic SAN wthout using dell's HIT-Kit.  My test node has these interfaces:

(all ovirt 3.1, mgmt. and nodes)
Eth0 - - ovritmgmt
Eth1 - several VM IP data VLANs
P1p1 - iscsi network
P1p2 - iscsi network

My EQ SAN is located at I know there is a ton of issues behind that being the only IP, but right now I have a stranger problem.

When I ping like this:

Ping -I

Tcpdump looking at p1p1 shows pings going as normal from to  then I do "ping -I" and tcpdump still shows ping packets going from p1p1 and not from p1p2.  Tcpdump shows nothing at all on p1p2.

I don’t understand how multipath can work if all the packets exit out p1p1 and nothing exits from p1p2?

At this point im grasping at straws on how to effectively use the equallogic SAN with ovirt, as our disk thruput is currently limited to 110mb sec from the single 1gig pipe.  I tend to be very quick to believe I am on the wrong track here.

Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.

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