[Users] Nagios monitoring plugin check_rhev3 1.2 released

René Koch r.koch at ovido.at
Thu May 16 14:31:24 UTC 2013

I'm happy to announce version 1.2 of check_rhev3.

check_rhev3 is a monitoring plugin for Icinga/Nagios and it's forks, which is 
used to monitor datacenters, clusters, hosts, vms, vm pools and storage domains 
of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) and oVirt virtualization environments.

The download locations are
  * https://labs.ovido.at/download/check_rhev3/check_rhev3-1.2.tar.gz
  * https://labs.ovido.at/download/check_rhev3/nagios-plugins-rhev3-1.2-1.el6.i686.rpm
  * https://labs.ovido.at/download/check_rhev3/nagios-plugins-rhev3-1.2-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
For further information on how to install this plugin visit:
A detailed usage documentation can be found here:  


- General:
-   Moved project to github: https://github.com/ovido/check_rhev3

- New features:
-   Verify RHEV-M certificate
-   Allow authentication sessions for authentication in RHEV >= 3.1 and oVirt >= 3.1
-   Use option -n <nic> to check a specific nic

- Bugs fixed:
-   Performance data issue with check_multi

If you have any questions or ideas, please drop me an email: ​
r.koch at ovido.at.

Thank you for using check_rhev3.

Best Regards

René Koch
Senior Solution Architect

ovido gmbh - "Das Linux Systemhaus"
Brünner Straße 163, A-1210 Wien

Phone:   +43 720 / 530 670
Mobile:  +43 660 / 512 21 31
E-Mail:  r.koch at ovido.at

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