[Users] Customizing node configuration

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Mon Oct 7 13:07:41 EDT 2013

On 10/07/2013 06:55 PM, Sven Kieske wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks again for the answer, we were able to install ovirt-node onto
> centos 6.4 minimal successfully!

to avoid confusion, we'd call this a "host" and install vdsm onto it.
we call ovirt-node only the trimmed down one.

> On 07.10.2013 11:07, Itamar Heim wrote:
>> yes.
>> ovirt supports both the "slimmed down" ovirt-node, or full blown hosts.
>> it will always install latest versions it finds in the repos. they
>> should all be backward compatible.
>>> We have some problems with 3.0.1 compute nodes and 3.2 management
>>> nodes but the node-iso 2.6.1 runs well.
> I just wanted to add some information on the problems we ran into
> when we tried management version 3.2 with ovirt-node 3.0.1:
> We were able to register the computenode, but when we tried to deploy
> a new vm, which was CentOS based we got the following error:
> Unsupported OS-Version Supported machines are:
> pc         RHEL 6.2.0 PC (alias of rhel6.2.0)
> rhel6.2.0  RHEL 6.2.0 PC (default)

mike/fabian - which centos is ovirt-node based of? this seems 6.2, not 6.4?

> rhel6.1.0  RHEL 6.1.0 PC
> rhel6.0.0  RHEL 6.0.0 PC
> rhel5.5.0  RHEL 5.5.0 PC
> rhel5.4.4  RHEL 5.4.4 PC
> rhel5.4.0  RHEL 5.4.0 PC
> Maybe you can shed some light on this?
> Unfortunately I can't provide any logs from the host side as these got
> replaced with ovirt node 2.6.1, but I can dig into the management-logs
> if you need additional information.
> Thanks
> Sven

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