[Users] Customizing node configuration

Sven Kieske S.Kieske at mittwald.de
Tue Oct 8 06:11:56 EDT 2013


ok I was able to reproduce this bug, here is some information:

ManagementNode: oVirt Engine 3.2.3-1.el6
ManagementNode OS: CentOS 6.4 x64_86

We have various "local storage" datacenters on this management node, one
being "LocalCenter_v3" with a single host in it.

This Host runs CentOS 6.4 x64 minimal, we installed the ovirt-stable
repo on it and installed then vdsm through the managementnode webadmin.
this was successful, here are the vdsm-versions from the host:

rpm -qa | grep vdsm

So I created a VM with the following settings through webadmin portal:
Memory 2048MB, Total Virtual CPUs: 2
Operating System "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x x64"
Console Protocol VNC
Boot Options: Attach CD: CentOS 6.4-x86_64-LiveCD.os
All other values were left on default.

I created and attached a 10 GB virtual disk (VirtIO)
and a VirtIO nic connected to default "ovirtmgmt".

When I try to start this vm via Webadmin I get:
VM TestSven_v3_Test1 was started by admin at internal (Host: server3).

VM TestSven_v3_Test1 is down. Exit message: internal error process
exited while connecting to monitor: Supported machines are: pc RHEL
6.4.0 PC (alias of rhel6.4.0) rhel6.4.0 RHEL 6.4.0 PC (default)
rhel6.3.0 RHEL 6.3.0 PC rhel6.2.0 RHEL 6.2.0 PC rhel6.1.0 RHEL 6.1.0 PC
rhel6.0.0 RHEL 6.0.0 PC rhel5.5.0 RHEL 5.5.0 PC rhel5.4.4 RHEL 5.4.4 PC
rhel5.4.0 RHEL 5.4.0 PC .

Failed to run VM TestSven_v3_Test1 on Host server3

Please let me know what logs you need.

On older vdsm-versions (ovirt-node 2.6.1., different datacenter, same
mangementnode) everything works fine (creating and starting vms).

The same VM exported via export-domain to this datacenter fails with the
same error.

Thanks in advance


PS: The iso-domain resides on the management node.

On 07.10.2013 19:07, Itamar Heim wrote:
> On 10/07/2013 06:55 PM, Sven Kieske wrote:
>> Hi,
>> thanks again for the answer, we were able to install ovirt-node onto
>> centos 6.4 minimal successfully!
> to avoid confusion, we'd call this a "host" and install vdsm onto it.
> we call ovirt-node only the trimmed down one.

> mike/fabian - which centos is ovirt-node based of? this seems 6.2, not 6.4?

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