[Users] oVirt Updates - September 16th

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Mon Sep 16 19:21:40 EDT 2013

Summer vacations and holidays, but many updates...

- Greg Padget will cover the new sla mechanism in ovirt at
   LinuxCon/CloudOpen NA (September 17th, New Orleans)

- a lot of sessions around linuxcon europe/kvm forum.
   also, the annual developer summit.
   Dave Neary created this helpful page:


- Release is going out any minute now...
   looks like an exciting one, packed with features!

- deep dives to new 3.3 features
   if you missed them - deep dives into some of the new features are
   available at the end of this page:

- note on native glusterfs storage domain and .el6
   centos/rhel 6.4 don't have qemu/libvirt packages supporting this.
   these are expected with 6.5.
   we are trying to find a solution prior to 6.5 to resolve this.

- Zhou Zheng Sheng graciously created guest agent packages for ubuntu
   and debian[1]

- heads up that we're planning a bit larger 3.3.1 which will rebase and
   pass some more testing. then more frequent 3.3.x updates for issues

- jason brooks blogged on "Testing oVirt 3.3 with Nested KVM" and "Up
   and Running with oVirt 3.3"

- I started a thread for "what do you want next" - will collect and
   publish separately. feel free to chime in[2]

Case Studies
- Dave Neary worked with Alter Way to publish one.
- We'd love to see more of these - please ping dneary at redhat.com

- Adam Litke followed on the vote to accept Kimchi as in incubated
   project. Kimchi is a lightweight single machine virt manager.
   simplified, html 5, etc.
- Mike burns updated they are already trying to build a stand alone
   ovirt-node with it.
- Adam will present Kimchi at the KVM Forum (see conferences below)`

- René Koch asked for early testing on a new version of the Nagios
- Karli Sjöberg published screenshots of their "order portal"[4]
- (YouTube) how to use a glance image with ovirt by Hervé Leclerc	


[1] http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/users/2013-September/016308.html
[2] http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/users/2013-August/015807.html
[3] http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/users/2013-August/015779.html
[4] http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/users/2013-August/015619.html

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