[Users] Bug 984737 - UX recommendation. Feedback invited

Malini Rao mrao at redhat.com
Fri Sep 20 20:18:32 UTC 2013


Here is a solution recommendation for Bug 984737 - usability: webadmin difficulty in assigning client ip, no gateway possible". Please provide any feedback. Here is a brief flow and description -

Host Network- Normal.png represents the Host network as it displays regularly - i.e, when the user is not interacting with it in any way. User may roll over any of the blocks in the network diagram 

Host Network- Non-specific roll over v2.png - When the user mouses over any given block/entity in the network diagram in a non-specific area ( i.e within the box but not on the gear icon), details about that entity are available. Also a Gear icon displays next to the name of the entity to indicate some actions are available. 

Host Network- Actions menu.png - When the user mouses over the gear icon, the action menu displays and any other rollover display is replaced with this menu. 

Rationale: The basic view is kept uncluttered so that the user can focus on the relationships. Upon mouseover, the details show up as it does today  but the action (gear) icon is located prominently next to the name of the entity and it remains in view for the entire time the mouse is over the entity block or the details panel to maximize discoverability. A more specific mouse over event is designed to present the menu of actions available in a more sizable widget upon demand.


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