[ovirt-users] oVirt 3.5 test day 2 results: foreman advanced integration feature

Moti Asayag masayag at redhat.com
Thu Jul 31 04:49:50 EDT 2014


In the second ovirt test day I've retested the foreman advanced integration.
Using the instructions on the wiki page I was able to test part of the feature:
* Adding foreman provider and test connectivity with certificates import
* Present discovered hosts by foreman
* Present provisioned hosts by foreman
* Add discovered hosts by foreman (reached to "Installing OS" phase only due to
environmental issues).

Since the host provisioning wasn't completed, I haven't reach to test the foreman-->ovirt
connectivity which should have trigger the host installation. 

I've filed a couple of bugs which I encountered during the testing:
Bug 1124870 - Provision of a host without compute resources fails with NPE
Bug 1124878 - "Set Root password" text label is not aligned with its caption
Bug 1124891 - [oVirt][Foreman] Root password length should be validated
Bug 1124887 - [RFE][oVirt][Foreman] Improve error messages when action fails on foreman server

In addition I've updated the feature page which missed a required package to be installed
on the foreman server.


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Moti Asayag" <masayag at redhat.com>
To: devel at ovirt.org
Sent: Thursday, July 3, 2014 5:17:11 PM
Subject: ovirt test day report - ovirt - foreman advanced integration feature


I assigned myself to the ovirt-foreman advanced integration feature [1] in the first
ovirt 3.5 test day.

The setup required for testing that environment is a bit complex (foreman, isolated
network, extending the foreman with extra plugins). I faced environmental
issues most of the day, mainly regarding foreman installation and configuration.

I provided specific feedback regarding the installed setup missing steps to Yaniv, 
the feature owner, which will incorporate them into the feature page.

I haven't reached into a point where i can provision a host via foreman into ovirt, but
I plan to get back to it in the second ovirt test day (or even before).

[1] http://www.ovirt.org/Features/AdvancedForemanIntegration


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