[ovirt-users] oVirt 3.5 test day 2 results: foreman advanced integration feature

Jorick Astrego j.astrego at netbulae.eu
Thu Jul 31 05:01:08 EDT 2014

On 07/31/2014 10:49 AM, Moti Asayag wrote:
> Hi,
> In the second ovirt test day I've retested the foreman advanced integration.
> Using the instructions on the wiki page I was able to test part of the feature:
> * Adding foreman provider and test connectivity with certificates import
> * Present discovered hosts by foreman
> * Present provisioned hosts by foreman
> * Add discovered hosts by foreman (reached to "Installing OS" phase only due to
> environmental issues).
> Since the host provisioning wasn't completed, I haven't reach to test the foreman-->ovirt
> connectivity which should have trigger the host installation.
> I've filed a couple of bugs which I encountered during the testing:
> Bug 1124870 - Provision of a host without compute resources fails with NPE
> Bug 1124878 - "Set Root password" text label is not aligned with its caption
> Bug 1124891 - [oVirt][Foreman] Root password length should be validated
> Bug 1124887 - [RFE][oVirt][Foreman] Improve error messages when action fails on foreman server
> In addition I've updated the feature page which missed a required package to be installed
> on the foreman server.
> Regards,
> Moti

I tested this feature also. I was able to get things going by manually 
installing vdsm because something goes wrong with my puppet classes.

Filed one ovirt bug:

1124842 <https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1124842> -  using 
"Use Foreman Hosts Providers" disables "Address" field in "New host" dialog

And one foreman bug:

Bug #6839: Conflict DHCP records when using the "Use Foreman Hosts 
Providers>Provisioned Hosts" of ovirt 3.5 

Also I agree with "Bug 1124887 - [RFE][oVirt][Foreman] Improve error 
messages when action fails on foreman server", I had to go look in the 
foreman logs a lot to see things configured incorrect. The error in 
ovirt is just that the connection doesn't work.

But it appears most of it is working correctly.

Kind regards,

Jorick Astrego
Netbulae B.V.
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