[ovirt-users] I want to switch back to local storage

Demeter Tibor tdemeter at itsmart.hu
Sun Nov 9 02:11:20 EST 2014


At last night I have sussessfully migrated my vms from kvm to gluster based ovirt 3.5. 
It sounds good, but the results was terrible: The glusterfs (two node replicated) is too slow for our vms. It is a very big problem, so I have looking for soultion. 
I don't know why but glusterfsd now uses 500-800% of my cpus on each server. 
At this moment I have only one gluster volume for vms. 
I just wondering I will configure local storage on the second host and copy to all of vms from glusterfs to this volume. 
I know in this case the second host will be on a different Datacenter. But in this case what will happend with my glusterfs? It will be break it? Will I lost my data? Could it make split-brains on gluster? 
It will break the whole ovirt-portal? 
If possible I don't want to more downtime by this procedure. 

It is possible? 

My config: 

2 node dell r710, raid5 , 3xbonded 1GBs NICs + one for internet access for vms. The glusterfs uses same network with ovirtmgmt. 

What can I do ? 

Thanks in advance 


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