[ovirt-users] Upgrade question

Alan Murrell lists at murrell.ca
Sun Nov 9 13:31:08 EST 2014


I just wanted to clarify the upgrade procedure for when I am ready to go 
from my 3.4 -> 3.5.

I have a single server running oVirt 3.4 (host+storage) with a 
self-hosted engine setup.  The hosted engine and the host are both on 
CentOS 6.5.

According to the release notes for 3.5, I would install the 
ovirt-release35.rpm RPM, which gives me the oVirt 3.5 repositories.  Is 
the upgrade path at that point then as simple as running "yum upgrade" 
on both the host and the hosted-engine or do I still need to run "yum 
update ovirt-engine-setup" then "engine-setup" after upgrading both?

It isn't clear (to me) if the "yum ovirt-engine-setup" and 
"engine-setup" steps on the 3.5 Release Notes are for a clean install 
only, or if they still need to be run on a system being upgraded.

Thanks! :-)


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