[ovirt-users] Hosted Engine crash - state = EngineUp-EngineUpBadHealth

Simone Tiraboschi stirabos at redhat.com
Tue Dec 22 04:08:34 EST 2015

On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 2:31 AM, Will Dennis <wdennis at nec-labs.com> wrote:

> OK, another problem :(
> I was having the same problem with my second oVirt host that I had with my
> first one, where when I ran “hosted-engine —deploy” on it, after it
> completed successfully, then I was experiencing a ~50sec lag when SSH’ing
> into the node…
> vpnp71:~ will$ time ssh root at ovirt-node-02 uptime
>  19:36:06 up 4 days,  8:31,  0 users,  load average: 0.68, 0.70, 0.67
> real  0m50.540s
> user  0m0.025s
> sys 0m0.008s
> So, in the oVirt web admin console, I put the "ovirt-node-02” node into
> Maintenance mode, then SSH’d to the server and rebooted it. Sure enough,
> after the server came back up, SSH was fine (no delay), which again was the
> same experience I had had with the first oVirt host. So, I went back to the
> web console, and choose the “Confirm host has been rebooted” option, which
> I thought would be the right action to take after a reboot. The system
> opened a dialog box with a spinner, which never stopped spinning… So
> finally, I closed the dialog box with the upper right (X) symbol, and then
> for this same host choose “Activate” from the menu. It was then I noticed I
> had recieved a state transition email notifying me that
> "EngineUp-EngineUpBadHealth” and sure enough, the web UI was then
> unresponsive. I checked on the first oVirt host, the VM with the name
> “HostedEngine” is still running, but obviously isn’t working…
> So, looks like I need to restart the HostedEngine VM or take whatever
> action is needed to return oVirt to operation… Hate to keep asking this
> question, but what’s the correct action at this point?
ovirt-ha-agent should always restart it for you after a few minutes but the
point is that the network configuration seams to be not that stable.

I know from another thread that you are trying to deploy hosted-engine over
GlusterFS in an hyperconverged way and this, as I said, is currently not
I think that it can also requires some specific configuration on network
Adding Sahina and Dan here.

> Thanks, again,
> Will
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