[ovirt-users] Hosted Engine crash - state = EngineUp-EngineUpBadHealth

Sahina Bose sabose at redhat.com
Tue Dec 22 04:58:47 EST 2015

On 12/22/2015 02:38 PM, Simone Tiraboschi wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 2:31 AM, Will Dennis <wdennis at nec-labs.com 
> <mailto:wdennis at nec-labs.com>> wrote:
>     OK, another problem :(
>     I was having the same problem with my second oVirt host that I had
>     with my first one, where when I ran “hosted-engine —deploy” on it,
>     after it completed successfully, then I was experiencing a ~50sec
>     lag when SSH’ing into the node…
>     vpnp71:~ will$ time ssh root at ovirt-node-02 uptime
>      19:36:06 up 4 days,  8:31,  0 users,  load average: 0.68, 0.70, 0.67
>     real  0m50.540s
>     user  0m0.025s
>     sys 0m0.008s
>     So, in the oVirt web admin console, I put the "ovirt-node-02” node
>     into Maintenance mode, then SSH’d to the server and rebooted it.
>     Sure enough, after the server came back up, SSH was fine (no
>     delay), which again was the same experience I had had with the
>     first oVirt host. So, I went back to the web console, and choose
>     the “Confirm host has been rebooted” option, which I thought would
>     be the right action to take after a reboot. The system opened a
>     dialog box with a spinner, which never stopped spinning… So
>     finally, I closed the dialog box with the upper right (X) symbol,
>     and then for this same host choose “Activate” from the menu. It
>     was then I noticed I had recieved a state transition email
>     notifying me that "EngineUp-EngineUpBadHealth” and sure enough,
>     the web UI was then unresponsive. I checked on the first oVirt
>     host, the VM with the name “HostedEngine” is still running, but
>     obviously isn’t working…
>     So, looks like I need to restart the HostedEngine VM or take
>     whatever action is needed to return oVirt to operation… Hate to
>     keep asking this question, but what’s the correct action at this
>     point?
> ovirt-ha-agent should always restart it for you after a few minutes 
> but the point is that the network configuration seams to be not that 
> stable.
> I know from another thread that you are trying to deploy hosted-engine 
> over GlusterFS in an hyperconverged way and this, as I said, is 
> currently not supported.
> I think that it can also requires some specific configuration on 
> network side.

For hyperconverged gluster+engine , it should work without any specific 
configuration on network side. However if the network is flaky, it is 
possible that there are errors with gluster volume access. Could you 
provide the ovirt-ha-agent logs as well as gluster mount logs?

> Adding Sahina and Dan here.
>     Thanks, again,
>     Will
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