[ovirt-users] Hosted Engine: Cannot initialise host

Alan Murrell lists at murrell.ca
Tue Jul 21 06:02:38 UTC 2015

I have installed a hosted engine setup on a single host.  The host is 
running CentOS 7 and the engine is Centos 6.6.

Prior to running through the engine deployment, I created the 
ifcfg-ovirtmgmt file and set my primary network interface, "eno1", as 
part of that bridge.    I did this because when I have attempted 
deployment in the past, the deployment ran into some problems creating 
the 'ovirtmgmt' bridge.  I do recall during the deployment script, the 
output did indicate that it saw the 'ovirtmgmt' bridge was already 
present.  The deployment *seemed* to go OK.

Upon logging in to the admin portal, my host is not initialised; it has 
a red "X".  The error indicated that the "ovirtmgmt" bridge was not 
assigned to an interface.

When I click on the host then "Network Interfaces", all my network 
interfaces are showing red "down" arrows (which makes sense if the host 
is not initialised).  When I click on "Setup Network Interfaces", it 
lists my physical interfaces on the left and on the right, under 
"Unassigned Logical networks" is "ovirtmgmt".

I Assigned "ovirtmgmt" to interface "eno1", but when I click "OK", I get 
the following message:

--- START ---
Error while executing action:

     * Network address must be specified when using static ip
--- END ---

I tried to edit "ovirtmgmt" and assign the static IP, but the same error 
comes up.

Here are my files for 'ifcfg-eno1' and 'ifcfg-ovirtmgmt':

--- START ifcfg-ovirtmgmt ---
--- END ifcfg-ovirtmgmt ---

--- START ifcfg-eno1 ---
--- END ifcfg-eno1 ---

Here is the output of 'brctl show':

--- START ---
bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
;vdsmdummy;             8000.000000000000       no
ovirtmgmt               8000.fc4dd4f2e238       no              eno1
--- END ---

It appears that the bridge exists, but the system (VDSM?) is not 
recognising it nor able to create it.

Any ideas what the issue is?  If you need a look at something else, 
please let me know.  I may not be able to post it until later (my server 
is remote to me until Wednesday so I won;t have immediate access), but I 
will post whatever else you need to have a look at.

Thanks! :-)


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