[ovirt-users] Can not access storage domain hosted_storage

Richard Neuboeck hawk at tbi.univie.ac.at
Thu Apr 7 14:17:03 UTC 2016

Hi oVirt Users/Developers,

I'm having trouble adding another host to a working hosted engine
setup. Through the WebUI I try to add another host. The package
installation and configuration processes seemingly run without
problems. When the second host tries to mount the engine storage
volume it halts with the WebUI showing the following message:

'Failed to connect Host cube-two to the Storage Domain hosted_engine'

The mount fails which results in the host status as 'non operational'.

Checking the vdsm.log on the newly added host shows that the mount
attempt of the engine volume doesn't use -t glusterfs. On the other
hand the VM storage volume (also a glusterfs volume) is mounted the
right way.

It seems the Engine configuration that is given to the second host
lacks the vfs_type property. So without glusterfs as fs given the
system assumes an NFS mount and obviously fails.

Here are the relevant log lines showing the JSON reply to the
configuration request, the working mount of the VM storage (called
plexus) and the failing mount of the engine storage.

15:45:53,043::logUtils::48::dispatcher::(wrapper) Run and protect:
spUUID=u'00000001-0001-0001-0001-0000000003ce', conList=[{u'id':
u'981cd3aa-052b-498a-914e-5e8f314357a8', u'connection':
u'borg-sphere-one:/plexus', u'iqn': u'', u'user': u'', u'tpgt':
u'1', u'vfs_type': u'glusterfs', u'password': '********', u'port':
u''}, {u'id': u'cceaa988-9607-4bef-8854-0e7a585720aa',
u'connection': u'borg-sphere-one:/engine', u'iqn': u'', u'user':
u'', u'tpgt': u'1', u'password': '********', u'port': u''}],
/usr/bin/taskset --cpu-list 0-39 /usr/bin/sudo -n
/usr/bin/systemd-run --scope --slice=vdsm-glusterfs /usr/bin/mount
-t glusterfs -o
/rhev/data-center/mnt/glusterSD/borg-sphere-one:_plexus (cwd None)
/usr/bin/taskset --cpu-list 0-39 /usr/bin/sudo -n
/usr/bin/systemd-run --scope --slice=vdsm-glusterfs /usr/bin/mount
-o backup-volfile-servers=borg-sphere-two:borg-sphere-three
/rhev/data-center/mnt/glusterSD/borg-sphere-one:_engine (cwd None)

The problem seems to have been introduced since March 22nd. On this
install I have added two additional hosts without problem. Three
days ago I tried to reinstall the whole system for testing and
documentation purposes but now am not able to add other hosts.

All the installs follow the same documented procedure. I've verified
several times that the problem exists with the components in the
current 3.6 release repo as well as in the 3.6 snapshot repo.

If I check the storage configuration of hosted_engine domain in the
WebUI it shows glusterfs as VFS type.

The initial mount during the hosted engine setup on the first host
shows the correct parameters (vfs_type) in vdsm.log:

14:56:29,464::logUtils::48::dispatcher::(wrapper) Run and protect:
spUUID='00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', conList=[{'id':
'b13ae31f-d66a-43a7-8aba-eaf4e62a6fb0', 'tpgt': '1', 'vfs_type':
'glusterfs', 'connection': 'borg-sphere-one:/engine', 'user':
'kvm'}], options=None)
Creating directory:
/rhev/data-center/mnt/glusterSD/borg-sphere-one:_engine mode: None
Using bricks: ['borg-sphere-one', 'borg-sphere-two',
/usr/bin/taskset --cpu-list 0-39 /usr/bin/sudo -n
/usr/bin/systemd-run --scope --slice=vdsm-glusterfs /usr/bin/mount
-t glusterfs -o
/rhev/data-center/mnt/glusterSD/borg-sphere-one:_engine (cwd None)

I've already created a bug report but since I didn't know where to
put it filed it as VDSM bug which it doesn't seem to be.

I would really like to help resolve this problem. If there is
anything I can test, please let me know. I appreciate any help in
this matter.

Currently I'm running an oVirt 3.6 snapshot installation on CentOS
7.2. The two storage volumes are both replica 3 on separate gluster
storage nodes.

Thanks in advance!


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