[ovirt-users] heavy webadmin

Nathanaël Blanchet blanchet at abes.fr
Fri Jan 8 06:13:03 EST 2016

Hi all,

Since I upgraded engine to 3.6, I noticed that the webadmin takes a lot 
of ressources whatever is the browser. It can become very slow even for 
small actions, like changing tabs or editing a vm. The browser activity 
becomes intensive (100% of cpu) and the processor very hot with a 
increased fan activity. I suppose javascript to be responsible of this 
behaviour. Is there a way to reduce the resource allocated to the webadmin?
(This is not a weakness of my laptop which is an i7 cpu with 16GB of RAM)

Nathanaël Blanchet

Supervision réseau
Pôle Infrastrutures Informatiques
227 avenue Professeur-Jean-Louis-Viala
Tél. 33 (0)4 67 54 84 55
Fax  33 (0)4 67 54 84 14
blanchet at abes.fr

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