[ovirt-users] Changing Cluster CPU Type in a single Host with Hosted Engine environment

Martin Polednik mpolednik at redhat.com
Thu May 26 08:42:40 EDT 2016

On 26/05/16 07:12 +0000, Ralf Braendli wrote:
>I have the Problem that I selected the wrong CPU Type throw the setup process.
>Is it posible to change it without an new installation ?


I'm afraid this may not be possible using "regular" approach. You
could do this by directly changing the cpu type in database, but this
is not supported operation.

Just an example what would I do in this case (but proceed carefully
before changing anything in the DB):

$ su - postgres -c "psql -t engine -c \"SELECT
split_part(trim(regexp_split_to_table(option_value, ';')), ':', 2)
FROM vdc_options WHERE option_name = 'ServerCPUList' AND version =

gives you a nice list of supported cpu names (the database name must
be exact, so it's better to paste from that list.

 Intel Conroe Family
 Intel Penryn Family
 Intel Nehalem Family
 Intel Westmere Family
 Intel SandyBridge Family
 Intel Haswell-noTSX Family
 Intel Haswell Family
 Intel Broadwell-noTSX Family
 Intel Broadwell Family
 AMD Opteron G1
 AMD Opteron G2
 AMD Opteron G3
 AMD Opteron G4
 AMD Opteron G5

Then you can update the cluster directly:

$ su - postgres -c "psql -t engine -c \"UPDATE cluster SET cpu_name =

('YOUR CPU NAME' and 'YOUR CLUSTER NAME' must of course correspond to
the cpu name from the list above and the name of the cluster

Also, could you open a bug on this? I think we should be able to do
change the CPU type without all this.


>We have a single Host with a Hosted Engine installed.
>With this installation I can’t put the Host into Maintenance Mode because the Hosted Engine will run on this Host.
>The Version we us is 3.5.5-1
>Best Regards
>Ralf Brändli
>Users mailing list
>Users at ovirt.org

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