[ovirt-users] Changing Cluster CPU Type in a single Host with Hosted Engine environment

Ralf Braendli ralf.braendli at JVM.CH
Thu May 26 09:01:18 EDT 2016


Thanks a lot for you help.
Just to be sure.
The Database would be the Datebase on the HostedEngine right ?
After this operation should it work directly or is a restart required ?

And for the Bug report this should be done here https://bugzilla.redhat.com/enter_bug.cgi?classification=oVirt ?

Best Regards

Ralf Brändli

> Am 26.05.2016 um 14:42 schrieb Martin Polednik <mpolednik at redhat.com>:
> On 26/05/16 07:12 +0000, Ralf Braendli wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have the Problem that I selected the wrong CPU Type throw the setup process.
>> Is it posible to change it without an new installation ?
> Hi!
> I'm afraid this may not be possible using "regular" approach. You
> could do this by directly changing the cpu type in database, but this
> is not supported operation.
> Just an example what would I do in this case (but proceed carefully
> before changing anything in the DB):
> $ su - postgres -c "psql -t engine -c \"SELECT
> split_part(trim(regexp_split_to_table(option_value, ';')), ':', 2)
> FROM vdc_options WHERE option_name = 'ServerCPUList' AND version =
> '3.5';\""
> gives you a nice list of supported cpu names (the database name must
> be exact, so it's better to paste from that list.
> Intel Conroe Family
> Intel Penryn Family
> Intel Nehalem Family
> Intel Westmere Family
> Intel SandyBridge Family
> Intel Haswell-noTSX Family
> Intel Haswell Family
> Intel Broadwell-noTSX Family
> Intel Broadwell Family
> AMD Opteron G1
> AMD Opteron G2
> AMD Opteron G3
> AMD Opteron G4
> AMD Opteron G5
> Then you can update the cluster directly:
> $ su - postgres -c "psql -t engine -c \"UPDATE cluster SET cpu_name =
> ('YOUR CPU NAME' and 'YOUR CLUSTER NAME' must of course correspond to
> the cpu name from the list above and the name of the cluster
> respectively)
> Also, could you open a bug on this? I think we should be able to do
> change the CPU type without all this.
> Thanks,
> mpolednik
>> We have a single Host with a Hosted Engine installed.
>> With this installation I can’t put the Host into Maintenance Mode because the Hosted Engine will run on this Host.
>> The Version we us is 3.5.5-1
>> Best Regards
>> Ralf Brändli
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