[ovirt-users] oVirt install error

ovirt at fateknollogee.com ovirt at fateknollogee.com
Wed May 31 19:49:09 UTC 2017

Any ideas what this is:

TASK [Run a shell script] 
fatal: [ovirt-node1.lab]: FAILED! => {"failed": true, "msg": "The 
conditional check 'result.rc != 0' failed. The error was: error while 
evaluating conditional (result.rc != 0): 'dict object' has no attribute 
fatal: [ovirt-node3.lab]: FAILED! => {"failed": true, "msg": "The 
conditional check 'result.rc != 0' failed. The error was: error while 
evaluating conditional (result.rc != 0): 'dict object' has no attribute 
fatal: [ovirt-node2.lab]: FAILED! => {"failed": true, "msg": "The 
conditional check 'result.rc != 0' failed. The error was: error while 
evaluating conditional (result.rc != 0): 'dict object' has no attribute 
	to retry, use: --limit @/tmp/tmpaOHOtY/run-script.retry

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