[ovirt-users] Current state of infiniband support in ovirt?

Jeff Wiegley jeffw at csun.edu
Mon Sep 18 19:25:18 UTC 2017

I'm looking at creating a scalable HA cluster. I've been looking at 
ovirt for the
VM management side. (Proxmox/VMware are essentially licensed products and
I'm at a university with no money and OpenStack seemed overkill and I don't
need random users managing VM provisioning ala AWS)

I need a central HA backend storage and I'm interested in using infiniband
because it's very fast (40Gb) and cheap to obtain switches and adapters

However, I was wondering if ovirt is capable of using infiniband in a No-IP
SAN configuration? (I've seen that infiniband/IP over Infiniband/NFS is 
but I would rather use SAN instead of NAS and also avoid the IP overhead
in the long run.

What is the current state of using raw infiniband to provide SAN storage for
ovirt based installations?

Thank you for your expertise,

Jeff W.

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